RSOA offers awards not only for each state but also at the World Finals.
These are the points that you accumulate for State Finals Prizes in your state.
These are the points that you accumulate anywhere you ride for the 2023 RSOA World Finals.
World Final's Awards
The points race began after our 2022 World Finals Event and will culminate at the RSOA 2023 World Finals in Belton, TX November 15-19, 2023. The following guidelines apply, and may change or be amended from time to time:
To compete at the 2023 World Finals Event, or compete for the year end prizes, riders must have:
1. Competed in at least 5 different RSOA sanctioned events, riding a minimum of 6 rides per event; OR
2. Competed in at least 3 different RSOA Events riding a minimum of 60 rides total; OR
3. Competed in at least 7 different RSOA Events riding a minimum of 30 rides.
4. Youth #1 rated riders must have competed in at least 3 events riding a minimum of 15 rides
Riders must compete at the Finals Event, riding a minimum of 8 rides at the finals event to be eligible for year-end awards.
The top 30 point earners from each state, in each of the following categories will enter the World Finals with 30 points to 1 point respectively.
1 Rated Riders
· 2 Rated Riders
· 3 Rated Riders
· 4 Rated Riders
· 5-9 Rated Riders
The top 10 point earners from each state in the Legends Division will enter the World Finals with 10 points to 1 point respectively.
The top 20 point earners from each state in the Youth Divisions will enter the World Finals with 20 points to 1 point respectively.
The top 20 point earners from each state in the Team Penning Division will enter the World Finals with 20 points to 1 point respectively.
The top 20 point earners from each stage in the Open Arena Sorting Division will enter the World Finals with 20 points to 1 point respectively.
The 8 high point RSOA Champions in the Saddle Divisions will each receive a custom Double J Trophy Saddle. These are not your typical trophy saddles. Each winner will design his or her own saddle. Winners choose size, type, color, tooling, conchos, stirrups, horn, pommel, cantle, skirt, rigging, the list is endless. Winners can even bring their horse in for a custom fitting. NOTE The certificate awarded is for a baseline custom saddle. Should you choose additional items you must pay for these. Most riders personalize and add to their saddle, but it is the riders choice. You cannot beat the quality of a Custom Double J Saddle!
Additionally all #1 rated riders that have met the requirements who finish in the top 10 places in their division will receive a 2023 World Finalists Buckle.
· Each high point winner is eligible for only one saddle. If a rider places first in two different Saddle categories, then He/she will receive the award with the largest number of points. IE if a rider places first in the youth division and first in the 3 rated rider division, then that rider would receive the saddle for first place in the 3 rated rider division (assuming they had accumulated more points in the 3 rated rider division, and the 2nd place award for the youth division.
· Riders can receive multiple awards in multiple prize categories (excepting the first place awards). 2nd-5th place winners will receive the award they qualified for. However, if a rider places first in 2 different categories, that rider will receive the 2nd place award in the division with the fewest # of points,and subsequent riders will receive the 3rd-5th place awards. A rider could receive awards in multiple divisions.
If a rider places first in both a saddle and a Prize category, that rider will receive the 1st place saddle and the 2nd place prize in the Prize Category (as the 2nd place rider in the Prize category receives the 1st place prize).
· The National Finals Competition shall be a single point show for all classes with <100 teams and award double points for all classes with 100 or over teams.
Points are accumulated in the following manner.
Points for every class will count towards the Division Points with the exception of the Youth,
Penning, and Legends.
· Youth points will accumulate from the following classes throughout the year.
· Youth Sorting AND Youth Penning Classes
· Sorting classes with a team limit of 6 or lower (IE #6 sort, #4 sort)
· #10 Beginner Ranch Hand and True Beginner Ranch Hand
Riders who accumulate 150 first round rides or more throughout the year qualify to ride at no cost, in the bonus class and share in an added money jackpot. The class will be an all draw sorting class, and each rider will ride on 2 different teams.
Winners will be paid at the same rate as other classes at the World Finals, but with no entry fees charged to the qualified riders.
Riders’ ratings may be moved up or down based on several factors, the most important being their win: loss ratio. No rider (with the exception of newer or low volume riders and others previously noted) will be moved up or down after the RSOA Texas State Finals Event 8/18-8/20 2023.
Should a rider move from one division to another, the rider shall transfer only those points accumulated up to the amount equal to the number of points the current first place holder in the new division has accumulated. IE if a rider is moved from the 2 division to the 3 division, and
· has accumulated 210 points, and
· the leader of the 3 division has accumulated 195 points
· then the rider transferring to the 3 division shall transfer only 195 points