The COW CRUSHER buckle denotes a superior level of achievement for a rider. Only one COW CRUSHER buckle is awarded to the high point winner of a RSOA show. So if you spot this buckle, you're looking at a real cowboy or cowgirl!
Each year the Cow Crushers from all over the country compete in the Cow Crusher Challenge at the RSOA World Finals.
The rules are simple
Effective January 2025 riders can only win the cow crusher award at 2 events per year
The rider that accumulates the most points at a show receives this award.
Youth, Legends, and Kiss Class points do not count towards this award.
Penning classes do count towards this award.
If an event is co-sanctioned, points are tallied at the RSOA rate.
In the event of a tie the rider that sorted the most cattle will receive the award.
For a weekend show winner must ride both Saturday and Sunday.
Winners of other (for the entire show) high point awards are not eligible.
A rider may only win the cow crusher award two times per year.